Monday, August 13, 2012

How heal your emotional wounds

 Follow these seven suggestions to heal your wounds (emotional wounds)

1. When faced with inner conflict, start by finding your neutrality. Remember all experiences are equal in higher consciousness. Source is meeting your needs, based upon your contributions to energy. You have told Source energetically you want to heal something, and an opportunity has presented itself to you.

2. Love yourself for your vulnerability and humanness. Take time to acknowledge your injury and to source its origins. Don’t rush to move away from the uncomfortable feelings. Allow your insight about this wound to rise to your awareness. Give yourself space to feel.

3. Reach for gratitude. Find your humility, and be appreciative for the awareness that you bring into your space. Give thanks for this opportunity. Feed the powerlessness with love and acceptance, either through ritual or some other means of self support.

4. Be kind to yourself. Don’t judge yourself for being wounded. This is a process, not a race. Many of us have layers to uncover to heal the wounds in our space. We can only do as much as we can do. That is enough. There is no timeline you need to meet for anything in your life. Source will always deliver what you need to you.

5. Do not make the mistake of forgetting where your life comes from, the origin of your wealth. The origin of your health. The origin of all the love in your life. Regardless of the vehicle, i.e. job, spouse, family, your needs are being met through your relationship with Source. It is your relationship with Source that determines your abundance.

6. Acknowledge the one-ness of consciousness. There is no us, no them, only the one. Allow the feeling of connection to life to bathe over you. You are one wave in the ocean of life. We are all connected. Everything we do affects everything else. See the God consciousness in you. Recognize that as you heal yourself, you heal the whole. You are mighty and powerful just for being you.

7. Take time to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. This is how you stay connected. It is how you cope with the awareness of your wounds when you see them. It is one big piece in how you gain awareness of your innate wholeness. Finally, ask for insight on how to stay connected to Source. Guess what — you will receive it.

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